There is so much information on the internet. In the end, each of us has to choose some sources to use. In my case, I prefer in depth discussions about random topics and I found the podcast format to offer the best approach. I usually put on my bluetooth headphones and do work around the house or take a walk in the park. I probably listen to about 3-4 hours of podcasts per week.
My favorites podcasts are:
- Tim Ferriss show, I usually skip the first 6 minutes or so because it is mostly commercials
- Think from KERA station
- 99% Invisible
- Freakonomics Radio
- Radiolab
In the medical field I recently found the ASRA RAPP podcast.
Popular apps for podacasts on Android: Podcast addict and Stitcher. On iOS there is the default iTunes. If you have any recommendations for podcasts/apps, please use the comment section.