Once in a while I come across ideas that are truly mind blowing. I remember that in 2008 I read an article in the New Scientist about tunneling nanotubes. I was super excited that a new form of intercellular communication was discovered. It took a long time to become accepted.
About 1-2 years ago I listened to a podcast episode with Michael Levin and his name stuck in my mind. Two weeks ago I remembered about him and looked him up. I could not stop reading and thinking about his research. Michael Levin and his collaborators discovered a new layer (bioelectricity) above the DNA/cell hardware level. The implications are massive from tissue regeneration to cancer treatment and philosophy (what is consciousness). His website is an amazing resource. I am not sure when he has time to do actual research because he gives tons of presentations and is a guest on many podcasts.
Some of his presentations: