Healing is one important thing that is mostly ignored by the modern medicine. Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal and we should do everything we can to support healing. One example where healing is extremely important is the spine. Most of my patients suffer from spine issues. The first question we should ask is why they have the issue in the first place? Why is the tissue quality not good enough? Why was the pressure on the disc or the spine joint high enough to cause an issue? And if the issue occurred why it did not heal in a timely manner? Very few patients and medical providers ask any of these questions. One spine surgeon actually quit doing spine surgery after he realized that he needs to think about these questions: youtube link.
Many people just want a fix for their spine. And you cannot blame them for this. The modern medicine is selling surgeries as a fix. What most patients do not realize is that the healing after the surgery is more important than the surgery itself. There is a great quote by the surgeon John Mulholland in the book "The body electric" (by Robert Becker): "The surgeon can cut, remove or rearrange the tissues, and sew up the wound, but only the patient can do the healing. Surgeons must always be humble before this miracle. We must treat the tissues with sure, deft gentleness, and above all we must do no harm, for we are nothing more than nature's assistants." Also a surgery does not fix the root cause of the problem. The root causes persist creating the same issues all over again.
The modern medicine teaches people that there is only one way in life: your body will break down and you will need medications and surgeries. What is rarely mentioned is that we have a very poor understanding of the human body and biology in general. Sometimes I tell my patients that if you take the smartest 100 scientists in the country they are not as smart as their own bodies. All these scientists have no clue how to build a human body starting from one cell. Our bodies did build themselves. And our bodies also know how to heal. All we need to do is to give our bodies the right ingredients: proper food, movement, social life and the right mindset.